
Pet Blessing Candle Spell. Bless the pets that give you comfort and joy. Angel blessings for your current pet. Pet prayer altar service. Candle burning service to honor a pet that has crossed the rainbow bridge. 

This is a white magic altar service. Nothing will be shipped to you. Please read the Legal Disclaimer before purchasing and understand that I have a no-refund policy. 

You will be emailed two photos of this pet blessing ritual that shows your name and date of birth within 5–7 business days after your purchase. You will not receive flame readings, wax readings, or a long report on how your candles burned.

 Photos will be sent to the email connected to your PayPal account. For things to go smoothly, please follow the instructions on the after-sale thank-you page.

Pet Blessings Spell


Sometimes our pets and animals could use a little magic too. For this candle service, a pet blessing candle will be burned to bless your pet with a happy life and to create positive energy around your animal. All types of pets and animals are welcome. 

I will work with Archangel Fhelyai, the Angel of Animals, Archangel Ariel, who is associated with protecting animals, and Saint Francis of Assisi, the patron Saint of pets and animals.

A white candle will be blessed in your pet's name and dressed with angel oil and pet blessing oil. Please leave the name of your pet, type of pet, and age if you know it. One pet per purchase, please.

Rainbow Bridge Pet Blessings 


This candle ceremony is to honor a pet or animal of any kind that has crossed the rainbow bridge. This ritual will be done with respect, compassion, and empathy to help soothe pet grief and give you a sense of comfort. 

A white candle will be dressed with Angel anointing oils, and I will pray to St. Francis to bless and watch over your pet. Please leave the name of your pet, type of pet, and date of crossing if you know it. One pet per purchase, please.

🕊️ Archangel Fhelyai, I ask that you send love, help and comfort to animals in need. Fun fact. St. Roch is the patron Saint of Dogs. St. Gertrude is the patron Saint of Cats.

All content on my site is protected by copyright. You cannot lawfully use or copy my original text, images, or videos. You must be 18 or older to order. I make no guarantees as to outcomes. What I do guarantee is that I will always do my best. I am legally obligated to state that this is a curio, and all of my services are for entertainment purposes only.