
Spell Casting and Spiritual Services

Spiritual Diversity Magic Mon - Sat 9 am - 7 pm EST

Full Moon Rituals. New Moon Rituals. Group Rituals. Folk Magick, Rootwork, Hoodoo, Conjure, Witchcraft & White Magic. Money Spells, Prosperity Spells. Protection candle magic. Uncrossing, and Road Opening Spells. Chakra Balancing. Electronically Sent Candle Burning Altar Service. Spiritual Diversity Magic metaphysical services. Birthday blessing rituals. 

See my client testimonials HERE. Some services are exclusive to my website.

All content on my site is protected by copyright. You cannot lawfully use or copy my original text, images, or videos. 

🌻 Welcome. Thank you for visiting my site. Magic is around us all day, every day. Why not improve your quality of life with some white magic? 

🌻Whether through spiritualism, folk magic, witchcraft, hoodoo, conjure, spellcasting, wicca, paganism, or affirmative prayer, I offer different types of white magic metaphysical services to try and help you achieve your goals. 

🌻When doing spell work, I use a combination of diverse magical practices, styles, and incantations and call upon different deities, saints, Archangels, and spirits. I do so respectfully, with proper offerings and a heart of gratitude.

🌻 Please know that your requests are a sacred trust and will always be kept confidential. Please do not order unless you know how magic works. This isn't Bewitched. Magic is not an immediate, overnight fix for everything. Each person has a different situation, mindset, and outlook on life; therefore, I offer no guarantees. However, I will always do my best.

🌻 Before purchasing, please read all of the instructions thoroughly. Please bear with me as I use a lot of words. This is a spellcasting setting of lights service. No physical item will be sent, mailed, or shipped to you. You will not receive wax readings, flame readings, or a long report on how your candle burned.

 🌻 What you will receive are digital photos of your candle service messaged to you via email within 5–7 business days after you have ordered, and you can view and download them from there. 

🌻 It is one name per purchase. Please only leave one name and date of birth in the personalization box per order unless otherwise stated. 

🌻 I have a no-refund policy. I don't accept returns, exchanges, or cancellations, so read the whole description before you purchase. However, please contact me if you have any problems with your order.

🌻 Please read the Legal Disclaimer before purchasing. You must be 18 or older to order. I am legally obligated to state that this is a curio and all my rituals, spells, and services are for entertainment purposes only. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I look forward to helping you and wish you success on your life's journey.   

Spiritual Diversity Magic


Copyright ©2022-Present Spiritual Diversity Magic - All rights reserved.